Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Horizon 222 - The Three of Swans

Charrm CD18. 1994

Though the restraint issue had been addressed by now, this still shifts dramatically from light to dark, cheery to brooding.

The opener proper (after a minute of seagull samples mixed with the Birmingham Six on the steps of the Old Bailey upon release), Walking On The Air, could be top of the list for feel-good, summer barbeque soundtrack, with its jolly Lee Perry vocal sample and bouncing beats.

Most of the rest of this concentrates on atmosphere rather than bouncy niceness, and slips into frowny mode most of the time. Not that it isn't good, it just doesn't logically follow the opener. I'll mention The Orb again (second time today), as One Small Dot could sit on Ultraworld and not feel out of place. See David Holmes post regarding too much speechy sample stuff in between tunes.

I certain I had something to do with putting the sleeve artwork together. The CD itself looks very familiar. 'Tis entirely feasible, as I'm sure it was around this time I helped with some CD reissues of some :z*f: stuff, as well as Ingleton Falls (nice artwork, shite tunes) and the Off The Map compilation.

Overall, canny. Still never liked one of the Andys though.

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