Tuesday 29 April 2008

Bongwater - The power of pussy

Shimmy Disc Europe SDE9134/CD. 1991

'Some have teeth, some have hair. Some have soft sweet petals, some look like Cher. Some make you sweat, some make you run; some will even eat their young. The POWER OF PUSSY!'

I love Bongwater. Does it get any better than Ann Magnuson? I saw them live at Newcastle Riverside and it's the best gig I've ever been to. Phenomenal. Kramer story no.2 - hang on, sorry - I'm getting mixed up. That wasn't Kramer, it was Chris from Nirvana, or was it? Too much beer back in the day. Anyway, one of them chucked his bass into the audience and there was a big fight over it, ending with me and some other chap having a tug of war over it. I won, but the bouncers took it off me at the door. If you're going to chuck your bass, at least have the decency to leave it at that. Swine, whoever it was.

This has an amazing version of Kisses sweeter than wine on it. I remember BN in tears when they played it at the gig, which was a really touching sight. It chokes me up every time I hear it.

'What keeps me going? She said "Chimichangas"'

'They have Nick Cave dolls now? I want one!'

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