Tuesday 29 April 2008

Bongwater - Too much sleep

Shimmy Disc Europe SDE9017/CD. 1990

The drum-machine album. No worse for it.

I used the intro drum pattern from the start of The Drum for the Random Felch track Funky Bongo Song (which will mean nothing at all to you unless you frequented dodgy pub gigs in early 90s Newcastle). It was too long for my sampler pedal, so I used the A-B repeat function on my CD player, which gave a lovely little pause that did wonders for the timing of the track. It was a bit flakey though, so it probably took a hundred attempts to get a consistent pause. Waffle waffle.

Highlights: the aforementioned Slap Happy cover, Talent is a vampire, Psychedelic sewing room, Splash 1 (Roky Erickson)

'And don't forget we're nothing yet but (bong)water'

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