Thursday 29 May 2008

The Captain Howdy - Money feeds my music machine

Shimmy Disc / Knitting Factory SHM5135. 1997

Just because you're mates with someone, and you have your own recording studio, is no reason to knock shit together with them and release it on an unsuspecting world.

This has to be the worst thing (that I've heard, anyway) that Kramer has ever been involved in. Maybe he became jaded and disconsolate after losing control of the marvellous Shimmy beast he'd engineered and stopped listening to what he was churning out. I must investigate further by getting hold of some later stuff.

To cut a long story short, Penn Jillette (of Penn and Teller) simply can't sing. He sounds like Mike McShane on old episodes of Who's line is it anyway?. Then they go and throw in some kids singing, which immediately destroys even the best records (Circus Games by Skids, anyone?).

They utterly destroy Always something there to remind me, piss all over Neil Young's Old Man (unforgivable), and have the audacity to sound like a slightly skewed Bongwater in places (with Ann replaced by a chunky bloke that can't sing, obviously).

Pointless and Painful. It's not even rare or worth money. Buggeration.

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