Thursday 22 May 2008

Coil - Horse Rotorvator

[There's nothing on here to indicate the label at all, and I can't be bothered to determine which release this is with a Google frenzy.] ROTA CD 1. 1987

Considering this was recorded back before the digital revolution took off, it's outstanding. I wasn't exposed to Coil until '89 (cheers FC!). It's a shame they seemed to get quite lazy later on (much later, I must stress - in the noughties), churning out platter after platter of semi-ambient majikal cack. I'm glad they got back into it before Mr Balance died. The Ape of Naples is a real return to creative form.

I couldn't begin to list the genres and sub-genres this record spans. They go everywhere. I'm not here to educate. I'm just listening to my music, ok?! Brief synopsis - homosexual sex, death.

Strikingly bad cover and booklet artwork.

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