Wednesday, 14 May 2008


Hyperdub/Cargo HDBCD001. 2006

There's an awful lot of shit released under the banner 'dubstep'. There's also a lot of stuff that isn't necessarily shit, but just doesn't float this fella's boat. If my first experience of the genre was Benga's output, I'd probably have given it a respectful nod and carried on walking. Fortunately the first stuff I heard was by Burial (I know, it was late in the day, but I'm not down with the kids and I'm not part of any online scene. I did manage to find it for myself before The Wire magazine ran a feature though, which is a personal coup.).

This is a real album, rather than a bunch of tracks stuck together on a cd. There's a real coherence and flow to it. Nice complex rhythms. Proper grown-up, like.

Atmosphereic Dubstep For People Who Aren't Necessarily 19, Smoke, Dance, Or Hang Around Bus Shelters In Brixton Comparing Trainers.

The follow up album is good as well, and a top play for a cuddle session in a candle-lit bedroom with some particularly slinky red wine.

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